So now psycologists are telling us a shy child has social anxiety and a sad child has depression. What’s their solution. Prozac! HEY!!!? Surely careful support by parents, teachers, coaches, play groups, children’s authors, child practitioners will be a better solution. There is a wealth of help and support for shy children. We need Confidence boosters for children not Prozac!!! Theres a name for a beneficial facebook group if there ever was one!
The reason I am discussing this is the new guidelines in place in America for treating shy children with drugs for social anxiety disorder. Do we want this brought over to the UK? I’d suggest strongly – NO!! Kate Fallon, general secretary of the Association of Educational Psychologists, told delegates: “In 2013 we’re expecting new criteria for the definition of mental illness to be adopted here in the UK. These criteria will lead to many more children being diagnosed as mentally ill, based on reports of their behaviours.” So I ask: Is shyness a mental disorder that needs treating? Or something a lot of children go through while they learn about the world and about themselves? Surely its support and not drugs that our children need.
Martin Beckford, Health Correspondent in the Telegraph states our shy children “could be prescribed powerful medication such as Prozac or Ritalin to control or alter their behaviour.” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/8763431/Shy-children-at-risk-of-being-diagnosed-with-mental-disorder.html What ? What about long lasting effects? What about dealing with problems?What about finding solutions? Working through issues? What about social interaction and communication skill building? There are all things we need to learn and through experience and knowledge can be found easily.
Recent figures show 650,000 children aged between eight and 13 are on pscyhotropic drugs, up from just 9,000 two decades ago, while others are taking Prozac for depression or anxiety. Fears are growing that the number of children diagnosed with mental disorders and prescribed drugs will increase still further after 2013, when a new “bible” of the psychiatric profession is published. This is called DSM. The British Psychological Society have raised concerns about the proposed revisions to the DSM.
Prof Peter Kinderman, chairman of the society’s Division of Clinical Psychology, said: “We’re not certain that a diagnosis and a medical response is the best way to help these kids.” Here, Here!
Understand and help , not diagnose and treat with medication.
I was a very shy child at school. I would feel too shy to ask for a new work book once mine had finished… but yet through growing up my job is singing and entertaining thousands of people across the country every weekend. Thank goodness I dealt with my problem and didn’t turn to medication , else id be the same now. Hiding behind others, feeling intimidated by other people, feeling insecure, having low self esteem. But I did not have a mental disorder and I strongly suggest neither do most of our shy children. I recommend some other methods of help. Lets help our children now by helping them;
· Boost their Self Esteem
· Improve their Confidence
· Find their special talents
· Explore their strengths
· Interact and socialize in groups they enjoy
· Find a respect for themselves and others
· Form friendships
· Appreciate their uniqueness
Where can you find support for these confidence builders
· Local Community Centres
· Play Groups/Toddler Groups/ Activity Groups
· Childrens Books that include these issues of confidence , esteem and self respect
· Workshops/Drama Groups/Music Groups
I would highly recommend that shy children read The Magic Sunglasses and join the website www.themagicsunglasses.com . So they can interact and learn about shyness and how you can live successful, happy and confident lives. Auriel Blanche the wonderful author and founder of The Magic Sunglasses project connects and empowers children across the UK with this book and workshop. It’s a great benefit for children who are shy- and it beats taking them to the doctors to merely be diagnosed from a book and treated with medication which will not help them over come their shyness problem!!
Lets empower our shy children to socialise and interact with others by finding others of a similar age and similar interests to help form friendships, learn about each other and themselves. We are all special and equal. A positive child, a confident child and an empowered child will strive for success, strive for their potential and live a more fun and satisfying life- We owe our children the best. So please please help your children and do not abide to the DSM and the psychologists who are stopping our shy children from being happy!!
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