Yes we can with the help of fantastic authors that inspire childrens imaginations. If a child identifies with the characters, or a book makes them feel good about themselves and improves their selfesteem , they will choose to read books and enjoy to read books.
Why do we need to encourage reading you ask? Because it improves literacy levels , it is educational , it offer stimulus for creative imagination , it is a great source of entertainment away from the computer/tv screen, it will improve concentration , help children explore new opportunities, adventures , experiences. When a parent reads with a child it is great for quality time - one to one - and strengthens the personal relationship and bonding. ,Reading together improves a childs communication skills and helps them learn about language and speech , rhythm for reading and and understanding that reading can be fun and sociable.
So how do we encourage children to love to read? Well I looked first at the Love 2 Read website which offers the opportunity to create personalised books , that children will love.
“The aim of each unique book is to help your child develop a love of reading. It does this by presenting photographs which reflect your child’s world and relating them to simple words. Research shows that if your child loves books they will learn to read much faster and you will be encouraging a lifelong love of reading.” http://www.love2read.co.uk/
A personaised book will make a child feel special and boost their self esteem. It will motivate them to read more books im sure.
There are many other options to inspire reading, not just personalised books. Parents are the most fundamental role models for children, so if we could just encourage them to offer a book to their child, read to them or with them , then the hard work will be done by the time the child goes to school.
A child could be motivated into books by workshops, activities and fun classes that would co-inside with the book. One I would recommend would be The magic sunglasses , written by Auriel Blanche. Who not only has a story that many children enjoy , but the book also offers stimulus for workshops to run along with the book. The Magic Sunglasses itself promotes the encouragement and connection of children. It helps boost confidence and self esteem for each individual. A great read!! www.themagicsunglasses.com
My Top Tips to help your children love reading :
Make books accessible for your child, read to them, have books around the house, take a child to a library (many are children friendly)
Show your child that you also read books. Children see their parents as role models and like to imitate what the see their parents doing.
Give a book as a gift ! children love gifts, it makes them feel special. They will love a book , given with love.
Make Reading Fun!! This can be with how you read a story together, perhaps play games, have activities related to the story. Make sure the books are inspiring and fun themselves. Maybe use puppets, song, etc
Children will find spending time with a parent a good reason to read - turn off the TV and any other distraction and give full enthusiastic attention.
Written by Kaley Herrick ,researcher of child development related to the creative arts.
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