When we think of helping our children to develop we usually think of academic qualities like reading, writing, maths and concentration. But we really need to add creativity to that list of beneficial qualities. It is with creativity our children not only have fun and explore skills to make arts and crafts, play instrument’s, write songs – but more importantly it is through creative play that children learn skills that will help them tackle everyday life. It will help them solve problems, learn about themselves and learn to live successful, fulfilling and happy lives.
Creative Play has: Intellectual Benefits , Physical Benefits , Emotional Benefits , Social Benefits
So with this in mind CREATIVITY is an asset we need to help all of our children nurture and develop. But I stress to parents with shy children more so….. Interactive Creative Play is essential self esteem building, confident boosting and positive thinking for their own self expression which ultimately will help them adapt to a social world where communication and connection to others will help them live fulfilled and empowered lives which will embed the notion of self respect, respect for others and the ambition to reach their full potential.
Creativity helps children reflect and understand their own feelings and inner thoughts, which ultimately helps them deal with issues and develop with a healthier outlook on their own strengths and abilities.They will try new things, learn new skills and be happy!
Being creatuve nurtures a childs emotional health as they explore personal feelings and experiences in a fun and playful way, without judgement. We as adults love “ME” time – the same is for children. Creative play allows for uniqueness , exploration of special talents and a fun playtime that draws the child away from stresses in their lives into their imagination and happy/safe place.
Creative learning shows children its fun to be spontaneous and impulsive. It allows children to have fun, to be playful without regimentation.Through which they can escape away from the real world.
How to help your child be creative:
Inspire them to be creative by being creative yourself. Perhaps act out scenarios which will explore their feelings and allow them to express themselves in a playful way.
Provide creative environment, provide equipment such as paints, moulding clay, pens, colouring pencils, props, puppets, costumes, toys , mud clay , plastersine, lego, building blocks, cuddly toys, musical instruments etc. Make time for creative play. And make it colourful with stimulus for inspiration and imagination.
Make objects, homemade things, great to find special talents and spending time escaping real life.
Dramatic play & improvisation, acting out scenarios will help children express their true inner feelings.
Creative movement playing games like head shoulders knees and toes , follow the leader and simon says is not only great for co-ordination but it teaches listening skills and interaction if in a big group.
Classes and groups – These are great for interaction as well as exploring their own self expression. These build social skills and emotional skills. A winning suggestion!!
www.themagicsunglasses.com has great interactive workshops for children. It also has a great creative workbook for parents and a great book which will help children imagination and self esteem.
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