Peter Andre is a great ambassador for encouraging the nation to read. Back in December 2011 Pop singer Peter Andre urged the parents in the country to read a bedtime story to their children every night. He fronted the 2011 campaign with Boris Johnson to recruit volunteers to boost London Libraries , he supported the Evening Standard’s literacy campaign highlighting Londons reading crisis, he is also a children’s author himself. And now he is helping the nation ‘fall in love with reading’ through his Charitable campaign Galaxy Quick Reads.
Viv Bird, chief executive of Booktrust another reading charity, said: "It is good news that parents are spending more time reading to their children……But I think that parents are pretty busy people and the stress of daily life can get in the way of reading with a child. So we've got to keep reinforcing the message." So its great that celebrities in the spotlight are helping the cause.
It is crucial that Adults find a love for reading to pass on the trait to their children. So the wonderful Peter Andre is again, on the case with the Quick Reads. Quick Reads are bite-size books that are written specifically to ignite a passion for reading. They're brilliant, bite sized books by big name authors and celebrities, Fast -paced and easy to read . They are available at bookshops, supermarkets, libraries and online they can also be purchased as eBooks, downloadable direct to your mobile phone, eReader or computer. Quick Reads have proven to ; improve new readers' confidence , increase morale at work and improve family life, as readers feel more able to help their children learn. http://www.quickreads.org.uk
Sue Southwood, Quick Reads Project Manager, said:
"Reading helps children to learn about the world around them. It promotes communication skills, enriches imagination and helps them do well in school. But roughly 1 in 6 adults in the UK struggle with reading and it's vital that we find ways to encourage them to improve their skills and give them the ability to read to their children. For adults, stronger literacy skills can also lead to a better quality of life in terms of improved self-confidence, involvement in the community and could even lead to a new or better job." http://www.quickreads.org.uk/news-and-media-centre/latest-news
Quick Reads ambassador Peter Andre, said:
"It's amazing to see the impact that improving your reading and writing skills can have on your earning potential not to mention your overall personal confidence and morale. Quick Reads are a great way to get yourself back into the habit of reading and to build up your confidence. Great stories, brilliantly written and easy-to-read, they've helped me fall in love with reading again after years of putting off picking up a book because of lack of time and feeling intimidated by large books."
Peter Hughes, head of corporate responsibility at Pearson publishers, said: "A passion for reading is one of the greatest gifts we can give. Good reading skills are the basic cornerstone that helps all of us progress throughout our lives.” So lets hope Peter Andre and others can help the nation to fall in love with reading.
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