Shared reading is a critically important factor in a young child's reading development. This was recognized and reflected in the National Curriculum, by means of the new National Literacy Hour. This has made a huge impact on the way literacy is taught in our schools. The first 15 minutes of every Literacy Hour is now spent with shared reading, which includes the whole class. During this literacy hour it became apparent that every child, including the less confident readers would be highly motivated to participate with the reading itself and improve as a result. Through targeted questioning and interaction of the text an encouragement for participation unveils and a child subsequently improves within their reading skills as well as in social skills and confidence. Another advantage found from using this technique was the offering of a fluent reading pace as well as the fundamental benefits of practice and reinforcement that occurred during this method.
A good teacher is vital to the spirit of shared reading. Throughout this method a teacher can model good reading behavior, make explicit the strategies of reading and monitor each child’s development. The potential of shared reading is prominent to educators all over the country, thanks to the new literacy hour. It has been proven from this, that the improvement of academics is found. This is due to unfamiliar and more difficult words arising and new strategies and methods of reading made more apparent. The relaxed and supportive atmosphere of shared reading allows children to experiment. As they develop, they are guided to find ways of predicting and self-correcting the text.
It is important to not forget that it is important for a child to read not only for educational purposes but as a means of written communication and social interaction as they grow older. For this reason it is important to continue the routines within their schooling but also maintain the reading development in the home. This is not only great for reading practice and improvement but also a perfect bonding experience. This is a great opportunity to have some one on one ‘quality’ time with an individual. It can be used as a great accessory to interact and communicate with your child. By discussing the themes within the books all manner of information can be discussed. It is great for families to conduct in shared reading as an interactive activity that they can all participate and socialize through. Therefore this is a great tool to assist bonding and cooperation within family relationship building.
Through my research of shared reading I found some fantastic authors who themselves are extremely passionate about the effects of shared reading. It was through my exploration that I became introduced to a writer called Angela Buck. She understands the importance of reading and the benefits it can bring to a child with regards to academics and emotional and social developments. Through her understanding and passion she devised an interactive program for her well acclaimed book, The Magic Sunglasses.
Through her shared reading her main objective is to help children understand the meaning behind the text. The issues she raises are highly influential to molding children into happy positive and successful children. It is vital during her workshops that the text remains paramount in the reading and exploration, and that the meaning is not lost. With this is mind though, she still cleverly includes a lot of fun in her workshops, and with comical issues throughout the script the meaning is not lost and the children remain focused and engaged.
As a result of Angela’s shared reading many children who may have once been a reluctant reader, now look forward to the fun interaction and as a result are now reading to a higher standard. Many have made new friends, have more confidence and a better understanding of finding out your own special powers and making your dreams come true, all themes within the book. With participation and encouraged predictions the children are able to share, perform and experience the power and joys of reading. Angela Buck hopes to install the feelings that reading can be a meaningful and life long habit .
In conclusion shared reading has many benefits that I have mentioned. The main advantages of shared reading are; that it is pleasurable and interactive and it gives an array of opportunities for children to interact, develop and learn. Shared reading also; provides social opportunities, improves confidence, offers the chance to share knowledge, gives experience for self correction and enables children to thoroughly construct meaning from the literature.
If you yourself see the benefits of shared reading, please look at Angela Bucks website.
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