“We need more books like this. Books that encourage children to
believe in themselves and cultivate internal self worth that isn't
dependent on them looking, speaking, thinking or acting in the
same way as everyone else”. –
Andy Greenhill – kids coach

The Magic Sunglasses – a fun fantasy story with a strong
inspirational theme.- The book tells the story of Samantha, a shy
young girl who dares to dream that she too can be successful…..
One day she finds a pair of Magic Sunglasses which support and
help her discover her natural gifts and talents as her strength to
achieve. After a series of crazy and exciting adventures which
help her in her quest, Samantha realises that she doesn’t need the
Magic Sunglasses any more – she has discovered her own inner
strength - that the power to succeed was always within her – as
it is for everybody including the readers of this book!
Benefits and Features – How does the Magic Sunglasses
book help your child?
A great and fun read for both girls and boys
Also available in audio and e-book for iPad on Kindle
Kids and parents love it – see great testimonials below
Kids identify with the characters
Presents the concept as an adventure story
Entertains and stimulates kids to think
Promotes positive self awareness
Provides the ideal introduction for The Real Me™
Workshop and self empowerment
Ideal introduction for The Real Me Workshop
The Magic Sunglasses - Hard copy £6.99
The Magic Sunglasses e-book £4.50
Suitable for iPad, available on Kindle
e-book also available on CD £6.50
The Magic Sunglasses 3-disc audiobook £9.99
Buy Now from The Magic Sunglasses website

What our readers say: - Kids
“The book isn’t just for girls it’s for boys too” – Beatriz 9
“Makes you brave and strong!” Dejon 9
“It makes kids feel they have their own world and can solve their
problems” - Sarah 11
“Kids will know, just because people don’t encourage them or
they are shy they can still be amazing!!” - Saphia 9
“Helps kids find their strength and special qualities and this could
help poor people” - Hodan 10
“It can help you feel good about yourself and finally step out of
the shadows” - Kivla 10
“It makes me believe that I can do what I want” - Atdhe 11
“It makes children love their own special value and work hard to
become who they want to be” - Saeda 11
“It doesn’t matter if people say you can’t – you just need faith in
yourself – work hard and never give up” - Hamzu 11
“The Magic Sunglasses will help me because it encourages me to
go for my goal even if people say I can’t and will help me to never
give up1” - Hannah 11
Quote - Nb Auriel says – I explain to boys – “finding your inner
strength is your POWER - think of your role models and see
how they use their natural gifts”……… I have had several
unsolicited hugs from cool 10 year old boys after the
presentations – as they really “Get it”

What teachers say:
“The Magic Sunglasses is exactly what I want my children to do.
To improve their self image and confidence and reach for the
stars….” - Shamini Matthews, Head Teacher
“It promotes self-worth encouraging children to look for what
they are good at - even as an adult I need reminding of my self-
worth” - Ms Kafui, teacher
“Empowers children to recognise their own strengths –
encourages self esteem to be raised – useful to explore feelings!”
-Debbie Stockwell, learning mentor
“It is really friendly and thought provoking enabling children to
relate to characters of similar age and experience – recommended
to share with their brothers and sisters” - Kirsten Tootell,
“Great for self esteem and raising confidence in children and for
sharing feelings children may not feel confident in sharing” -
Emma Thompson, teacher
“It has helped my daughter realise that she needs to believe in
herself and her own values………” - Claire Edet, parent and