Friday 29 July 2011

Help kids feel great about themselves - with books,workshops and workbooks

It is important to understand that no matter how hard we try, as adults we can’t always supervise and physically guide a child all day every day. So it is important they are given the chance to believe in themselves and live with confidence and self belief. This can be achieved, reinforced and inspired in many ways. The most effective way I find is throughout a child’s own personal time, through their entertainment, play and creative times. This is when they are free of issues and absorbed in their own thought and imaginations. With this in mind, the most beneficial forms of inspiring confidence and belief in self worth is through their love of books, TV programmes, toys, special characters. If a child can see their favorite characters living confident and cheerful lives they to will subconsciously re-create these attitudes within themselves- because they themselves believe it- and not as an act they have been informed to portray.

Friends, other children and pupils at school can help children feel good about themselves, but it would be much more beneficial if they had a character that they could refer back to, that they can follow and constantly rely upon at the times when they most need the boost. This I believe to be within the books our children read. If a character in a book is confident, able, willing to try and dreams to succeed. A child can relate to the character and take in the attitudes and values of that character. The most perfect character would be one that had an interactive website which could be enjoyed and be influential on a regular basis. A character that had an on-going diary or blog would be beneficial. This will help the child to develop, maintain and be equipped with continuous thoughts and demonstrations of living life confidently and happily.

So for this reason I welcome to the wonderful world of the Magic Sunglasses!

Here’s where you can help your children feel absolutely GREAT
about themselves!

* HOW: – By using the book to discover their natural gifts and talents and learn how
to use these as a feel-good factor and so a strength in their life to
achieve and be happy

First Step - Buy the Book! Children learn from The Magic Sunglasses story how a shy young girl discovers her inner strength to fulfil her dreams

Second Step - GET THE AMAZINGLY EMPOWERING REAL ME WORKSHOP HOMEPACK, TO DO WITH YOUR CHILD AT HOME – The Real Me workshop easily shows kids how to put these empowering ideas into practice for themselves in their daily lives

The Magic Sunglasses Workshop can help Your Child:
Increase their self confidence
* Discover their many natural gifts and talents as a strength to
live happier lives
* Achieve a more comprehensive and useful idea of who they
are – “The Real Me” ID
* Be aware and proud of their own individuality
Build a solid foundation for their challenging teenage years and
their future
* Develop a channel of highly effective communication with you
and others
* Enjoy a special opportunity to learn with you

Third Step - Join a Magic Sunglasses WORKSHOP in your area.

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