Monday, 24 August 2009

Empowering Children to Value Themselves

Victorian values state that “..Children should be seen and not heard...” During this time a child’s life would be determined by their parents or guardians. Hopefully parents will share a more contemporary view on this and help to empower their children to value themselves and to live confident and happy lives.

By obtaining a strong relationship with themselves they will equip themselves with abilities and positivity to try. They will then evolve into helping each other which will inevitably result in a connection and empowerment of children globally. Children process information from the world around them much differently than adults, they have distinct needs for managing the effects of stress and trauma but with a highly developed sense of consciousness for their feelings, they will then be able to manage fear, anger, anxiety and any other circumstances trying to cause effect to their wellbeing.

With a healthy sense of individuality, children will be able to help themselves and help others with respect, sensitivity and empathy, resulting in the connectivity of children worldwide.

So the main quest for adults is to help children learn valuable life skills early, which will mean that they will be better able to deal with challenging situations when they are older. Thus nurturing their own strives for personal life enrichment.

Empowerment is a key ingredient in maximizing children's potential in academic achievement, social success, and personal happiness. This is obviously an arduous process; it is not instantly going to be achieved. It is important that many methods combine together to reach the desired result. There are many innovative forms of empowerment methods available.

The empowerment of children to find their true values is a statement , which was the inspiration behind the motivation for The Magic Sunglasses Project. This project was initiated by the children's Story Book ‘ The Magic Sunglasses' written by Auriel Blanche.(also known as Angela Buck) When this inspirational writer first wrote the book it was to stress her ideal for promoting the ethos of creating a worldwide community of children who have learnt how to value themselves and to use their potential, to live personally successful lives and contribute to the success of others. She does this effectively through her skill of creative and innovative writing which engages children of all ages. Since the book Auriel Blanche has developed what is now known as The Magic Sunglasses Project. Through which she successfully taps into many children's spirits on a global scale, making them visualize desirable outcomes and make positive connections with their inner purpose.

By promoting understanding of diversity and respect for others, Auriel Blanche also works on developments of inner self through imagination and visualisation. Her main focus is on self awareness, new possibilities and problem resolution. Other areas of intent are environmental appreciation, conflict management, awareness of others, global awareness and education of current events.

She believes that it is imperative that children know that their opinion matters and that they can offer something positive to others. By connecting with themselves children can find answers to their own problems and others. With this new found power children can then see a dream and strive to reach it with positivity and a pro active attitude.

Hopefully with the help of other influential parents – Auriel Blanche can help develop a world where children are not just seen and not heard. Where children can be empowered to strive for great things, appreciate their own self worth and be motivated to help others. Self sufficiency in children at an early age will certainly help the population develop with positivity and the will to try.

Auriel Blanche wishes to develop her project further afield. So that children all over the world are connected and empowered. She hopes that one day we will live in a world where a child in a village stricken with poverty in Africa can be helped by a child far away, living in a completely different world but with knowledge and confidence to understand and help. A great incentive for us to all help and get involved. Please view the website :

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Making Children Happy

Children need to be supplied with as many positive and influential affirmations as possible to encourage them to be happy and live bright and meaningful lives, with endless opportunities. They can only be enticed to do so with help from the adults around them. Different forms of positive encouragements have been researched, especially for the cases where children do not necessarily have great role models at home.

Research has shown that children develop best through their own discovery and self-learning. For this reason when a child looses themselves in their imaginations – of course guided by a positive medium like a book , a film, a workshop, an activity – this is their best time for learning.
Through my studies I came across ‘The Magic Sunglasses project’ lead by the children’s author Auriel Blanche. Auriel Blanche successfully taps into many children’s spirits on a global scale, making them visualise desirable outcomes and make positive connections with their inner purpose. She does this through her skill of creative and innovative writing which engages children of all ages. Along with her interactive workshops and programs, The Magic Sunglasses, her acclaimed children’s fun fantasy book is a must read for all children in today’s society. Especially for those who are saddened with a low self esteem and those who seem unhappy. The meaning and purpose of The Magic Sunglasses - is fundamentally to motivate a child by imagination and creativity. Make-believe is important to intellectual development and mental health. It is an integral part of childhood, it is this that will inevitably make them happy.

The main character in the book, namely Samantha, is a character that a child with a lack of confidence can relate to. She too hasn’t fully discovered that she has a special value all her own. Throughout the story she finds a power that the reader will be inspired to find in themselves. The books motivation is to show we all have that special value, which we can use to help us live the lives we really want and to be happy. The magic sunglasses in their physical form mysteriously find their way to Samantha. They have wonderful powers which support her and show her what you can do if you really try! The important notion behind the story is that these possibilities are still achievable when she no longer has the glasses, as she forms her own abilities and the confidence to try. The results this book entails is seen in the readers improvement of personal motivation, their positivity for their own capabilities, their respect for their own special values and the optimisms for their own self worth. The main and key ethos being, helping children to live happy lives.

When a story actually transforms a child's life, bringing joy and happiness to them, you know the story is a winner. This touching, inspirational and heart-warming plot has repeatedly been transformed into optimistic true life stories for many children who have read it. From some of which, Auriel has been inundated with positive testimonials, rewarding reviews and written letters of compliments. Auriel invites children globally to explore their dreams, strive to their potential, to not limit themselves and independently enrich their own lives. With The Magic Sunglasses, they are free from objective restraints with encouragement to explore possibilities. As they read how another child (Samantha) plays and dreams they do the same. They too imagine themselves to be a superstar, singing to the adoring crowds. They too can pretend to be dressing up as a princess or a super hero. They too can imagine being able to eat as many sweets, cookies and ice cream as they like. They can also make play of their own nightmares of witches and goblin, and overcome them with confidence and ambition enthused throughout the book.

A child with this negative attitude will never achieve resolutions without an assisted positive view point. It is important that a child can understand that any problem is temporary and can be resolved if you just try. With these positive qualities a child can be happy and motivated to live life with confidence and enjoyment. When a child sits down with a book, they are in a comfortable environment, in an imaginative place away from the negative aspects of life. This is the most perfect time to inspire upbeat outlooks and encourage the use of optimism.
I find Auriel Blanche to be an extremely influential writer and The Magic Sunglasses should be in every family household. We hope she will be inspiring and empowering children for years to come.

To explore many more interesting projects as well as the other amazing inspirations The Magic Sunglasses holds, all you need to do is click on the link – Please encourage any children you know to read this book or visit the website. We can then help many other children to trust their own abilities, to respect others, to believe in themselves and create a humble, happy and positive world to live in.
For more information and up and coming events, workshops and book signings – Please go to