With the recession and the current economic crisis, we have all witnessed (if not been involved in) the interconnectedness of our financial system. It has become abundantly clear that we need to save ourselves and help others who are in crisis. Not only here in the UK but also in other countries who are in crisis constantly as they have no government funding or necessary tools to provide for themselves. We have witnessed ourselves that we cannot rely on our governments and our banks; we have to look after ourselves and others who are unable to themselves. Charity needs to be elevated and children- the new generation need to be informed of this, as it is the ethos embedded in them through childhood which will remain. This article discusses the benefits for children as a result of giving to charity, the improvement of our children socially, educationally and the development of combating poverty, humanitarian issues and natural disasters.
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT THAT CHILDREN GIVE?? This is going to be kept as short and sweet as possible, in fear of getting on my soap box. Firstly, charitable behavior is perfect for infusing ambition in children; it helps create respect and care for others, improves financial management and develops global education. By teaching children to donate to charity they are not only helping the crisis’s that exist around the world but they are also benefitting the child donator. This is discussed further in this article.
In a world so full of violence and apathy, raising concerned and empathetic children is a necessity for the future. Children are known for having caring attributes. Their inbuilt temperament and nature needs to be nurtured and encouraged which is why it is needed to be fed from an early age. It is important for our children to be caring and kind; it will help them live enriched and fulfilling lives. It is also important that they understand they cannot help everyone. Choosing a relevant charity is fundamental. Discuss what concerns a child has around the world, what they would like to help with. Make suggestions like homelessness, helping the arts, helping support education, helping cure diseases, helping animals, supporting the church’s ethos or maybe helping the elderly. Education and knowledge is the key here and we must do what we can to help.
Another fundamental benefit for a child to give to charity is the healing power of doing good. Giving to charity is a perfect way to show children that their actions can have a positive impact. It will help connect them to other children locally, nationally and internationally. They can learn about other countries and crises that exist. It can also help children understand themselves and cope better with unpleasant events.
Financial management is a system that will be useful throughout life. With the current economic climate we have all benefitted from our own financial management. For this reason it is important to teach children monetary values and arrangements that can help in life. The process of budgeting money and planning finances in order to help charitable organizations is essential. This is not only in monetary terms but in organization, planning and self awareness aspects. There are no implications intended here for the need of 5 year old philanthropists. It is just simply the accentuation for the need to infuse the philosophy of saving and sharing to our growing generation.
There are many global humanitarian organizations that can be helped by other means instead of money. Children could also help with their time, giving away old toys, old clothes, buying things in charity shops, preparing food baskets, starting a family charity jar. However they wish to help they must be encouraged, praised and rewarded for their kind nature and help.
Maybe in the future the world will be a charming, positive all singing all dancing that every one everywhere can smile about!!??